Sunday, May 20, 2018

What's inside your NanoNano system


Thank you for purchasing a NanoNano system! All proceeds go toward our horse rescue, Haven Equus.
Our NanoNano systems are created here in Mariposa, CA.
We breed our own shrimp and snails, as well as cultivate our plants here, in the wonderful Sierra mountains!

What IS a NanoNano system?
Any aquatic environment under 10 gallons is considered a nano tank.
Our NanoNano system is different from the standard aquarium in that the NanoNano is completely self sustaining. No outside interference except for bright light is required. Everything has been specifically engineered to work together to sustain the ecosystem.

 To ensure that your NanoNano lasts as long as possible, young animals are used. They will grow to full size in a month or two.

Meet the fauna!

Our shrimp.
Since we breed our own animals, and cultivate our plants, supplies are limited.

The shrimp are the custodians  of the NanoNano. They can withstand a wide range of temperatures, and cohabitate well with the nehrite snails. They can live 1-3 years.
They grow to around an inch in length.
Shrimp have an exoskeleton, which it will moult every so often. The shrimp, snail and plants will eventually use up the components of the exoskeleton.

If you have the gallon sized NanoNano system, you have three shrimp, and under the right conditions, they may breed.
The males deposit sperm on the female, and she fertilizes her eggs. She then moves the eggs to under her tail, where she will incubate them. She will constantly fan them with her legs and tail to keep them oxygenated.
The babies hatch in about 3 weeks. The young, called "fry", are completely self reliant at birth.
They will hide in the Java moss until they are older, and can be seen interacting with the adults.
Shrimp seem to have social and community skills, and seem to work together.
We have yellow shrimp in our apple snail nursery tank. The shrimp will care for the egg sacs we deposit into the water for hatching. They turn the sacs, and pick away the calcium membrane to release the young snail fry. They seem to watch over the snail fry as well.

 red Sakura 

Neon yellow davidi fry
Red rilli

Our snails
Since we breed our own animals, and cultivate our plants, supplies are limited.

Our snails are specially chosen for their ability to eat algea at an amazing pace, an can remove hard water deposits from glass without a mark! These snails can get to the size of your thumbnail. They cannot breed in freshwater, but require salinity and high temperatures to breed. These snails can live 3+ years.

Horned nehrites
Tiger nehrites
Red, gold racer nehrites

∆*** DID YOU KNOW...???

Red racer nehrite snails are among the rarest snails on Earth? 
We're doing our best to get this species thriving here!

Meet the flora!

The plants
Since we breed our own animals, and cultivate our plants, supplies are limited.

Chosen for their eye catching beauty and uniqueness, our plants serve to oxygenate the water, reduce nitrates, and provide food as well as a surface for algea and biofilm to grow on.

Java fern

Narrow leaf Java fern
Mass planting of java fern

Beautiful by itself or in a mass planting, the vertical symetry of the long tapered leaves add interest to an aquatic ecosystem, as well as provide a surface for algea growth and a hiding place for shrimp and small fry. Java fern reproduces with new plants starting at the tips of mature bunches.

Brazilian pennywort

Brazilian pennywort

The sweet round, scalloped leaves with gentle tendrills of root of the pennywort provides food and a great algea growing surface. The pennywort grows slowly, with a new leaf budding at the end of the stem .

Java moss
Java moss

Java moss is a very important component of any aquatic environment. It acts as a living filter, catching debris and plankton in itsidelicate fronds. It supplies a safe space for berried females and for small fry.

Marimo moss
Marimo moss

Marimo moss is not a moss at all, but a colony of algea that grow together. These act as a water filter, and provide a wide variety of food for the shrimp fry.

Other plants
Since we breed our own animals, and cultivate our plants, supplies are limited.

*NOTE: The following plants do not come in our NanoNano systems. They ARE available for purchase.


A finely textured plant, hairgrass gives a fine visual accen. It provides shelter for small fry.

Flaming sword

Flaming sword

The flaming sword is a striking plant that grabs and holds attention. Large gently tapered leaves change color from green to purple to bright fall red. 
_***NOTE: This plant is not available in the nanNanoN systems curre. These plants may be purchased sepersepar.

Banana plant
Banana plant
Flowering banana plant

The banana plant is one of our favorites! An odd looking plant, the Lily pad shaped leaves are launched from the center of the plant on a  5"-8" long, fine stem. If the leaf becomes detached due to water movement, the detached leaf will start to grow roots and become a new plant. Banana plants are so named for the banana like tubers that appear at the base of the leaves. These tubers store nutrients and are actually not the root system, but act as more of a pantry.
Another wonder is the fact that this plant flowers as well, with a mallow  type bloom.

Anubis Nana


Flowering anubis

Most water flora doesn't actually flower, but the anubis does!  Small white calla lily type flowers appear under the correct light and temperature.


If the shrimp or snail should die within the 6 month Replacement Policy 
period, which begins at the time of purchase, NanoNano Inc.
 will replace the unit free of charge.


Check us out on Facebook at:  NanoNano aquatic systems

What the heck IS that thing?!?
You may notice something in the NanoNano system that looks odd. Here are a few common sights you may see!

Red shrimp with exoskeleton

Shrimp have exoskeletons that they shed as they grow. The shed skin contains minerals the shrimp require, so the shrimp and snail will eventually eat it.




Hydras are jellyfish--ike creatures that live in freshwater ponds and lakes. Hydras eat plankton and algea, and will not harmful adult shrimp, but do pose a threat to newly hatched fry. Generally, hydra will "root" on the side of the nanNanoN, or may settle on wide  leaves.

Water fleas

Water flea

Water flea

Water fleas, also known as water spangles, are of the family Cladocera. They can reproduce both by mating and by asexual reproduction. They eat plankton, and are a sign of a thriving ecosystem.


A pice of cuttlebone is added to each NanoNano system. It provides calcium and minerals essential to healthy shell and exoskeleton development. It also provides a fertile area for algea and biofilm to grow.

Tubifex worm
Tubifex worms

Tubifex worms are tiny reddish worms that occur in soil in ponds and natural waterways. Prized by aquarists as a prized food for fish, the works pose no problem in the ecosystem, and help digest the waste and plant matter the shrimp and snail don't eat. 

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